AISTATS 20' "Automated Augmented Conjugate Inference for Non-conjugate Gaussian Process Models", T. Galy-Fajou, F. Wenzel, M. Opper code
UAI 19' "Multi-Class Gaussian Process Classification Made Conjugate: Efficient Inference via Data Augmentation", T. Galy-Fajou, F. Wenzel, C. Donner, M. Kloft, M. Opper code
AAAI 19' "Efficient Gaussian Process Classification Using Polya-Gamma Data Augmentation", F. Wenzel*, T. Galy-Fajou*, C. Donner, M. Kloft, M. Opper
ECML 17' "Bayesian Nonlinear Support Vector Machines for Big Data", F. Wenzel, T. Galy-Fajou, M. Deutsch, M. Kloft code
CL 20' (ICML) "Online Inducing Points Selection for Gaussian Processes", T. Galy-Fajou, M. Opper paper video
AABI 18' (NeurIPS) "Scalable Multi-Class Gaussian Process Classification via Data Augmentation", T. Galy-Fajou, F. Wenzel, C. Donner, M. Opper paper
AABI 17' (NIPS) "Scalable Logit Gaussian Process Classification", F. Wenzel, T. Galy-Fajou, C. Donner, M. Kloft, M. Opper paper poster
AABI 16' (NIPS) "Scalable Approximate Inference for the Bayesian Nonlinear Support Vector Machine", F. Wenzel, M. Deutsch, T. Galy-Fajou, M. Kloft paper poster
Member of the Turing team and Julia Gaussian Processes organization
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